This is the place to keep up with us!

Hey all.  We have a big trip coming up this summer.  We is me, my kids, my dad and his wife, Carol. We'll all be piling in to a rented mini van and heading West for two weeks of exploring the great beauty of the American West. I'm creating this spot as a place you can follow our adventure.  An adventure is what I expect, as our traveling crew ranges from age 91 to age 20.

Growing up, my family vacationed every couple years.  We had a travel trailer and could frequently be found at Lake Wilderness, south of my hometown of Burlington, Iowa.  But every couple years we'd get out The Map of the United States, and plot our next adventure.  I loved to travel and so did my dad.  My Mom not so much and my sister would have rather been with her friends. But the ocean was calling and we traveled to the coastal states of Florida and South Carolina and Virginia to spend a week on the beach.  A different color marker mapped out the vacations we had taken in the past.  It's hard to remember how things were before traveling was made easier with the internet.  You had to rely on paper maps and campground catalogs to plan your route. You had to carry these things with you because that was all you had to rely on.

On family vacations, we always went East. My family vacations with my kids was always driving East or Southeast as well.  In fact, the first time I drove west was in the last couple years when I drove my sister to Omaha, Nebraska for an appointment. Everywhere I've been in the west I've flown.  It just takes too long to get to Los Angeles or Seattle when your starting point is Illinois and you don't have vacation time to allow for a leisurely drive.

I always figured I'd get to Yellowstone one day.  I thought it would be after retirement when time is plentiful.  But Dad wanted to take his new bride to see Mt Rushmore and it seemed like such a good idea, I invited myself along. :)

So this will be the place to follow us.  Make sure you bookmark it so you can find us again. 


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