Devils Tower and Thermopolis, Wyoming

Today was a travel day for the gang. We left Hill City, South Dakota and traveled north to Deadwood, SD.

Then we hit the border of Wyoming!

And then traveled north again to visit Devils Tower where we had a picnic lunch from the Telluride Cafe. 

From there we traveled across the changing scenery of Wyoming.   We started with rolling hills and moved into mountains. Gorgeous scenery.  This is my new car at an overlook to Loaf Mountain. We traveled on the Cloud Peak Skyway Scenic Byway, a 47-mile stretch and the southernmost route across the Bighorn National Forest in the Bighorn Mountains. The route took us from Bufalo, WY to Ten Sleep, WY.  The path crested at the 9,666 foot Powder River Pass.  

We ended up at our next place in Thermopolis, Wyoming.  We're staying at a cabin on the river - not sure if it's the Big Horn River or the Wind River.  It's very windy here and 95 degrees but no humidity and it's gorgeous.  After a Thai restaurant dinner, we're sitting on the deck enjoying a relaxing evening after a long day of travel. 

And the good news is we have decent Wi-fi!! Woohoo!


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