
We had a relaxing morning coffee before packing a lunch and heading into Yellowstone for the day.  We spent 6 hours just driving around the park, never really knowing where we were at any time. :)  The temperatures were perfect after a chilly start to the day in the 40s.    The air is pure, the temperatures were perfect and the views were unmatched.  The park itself is so huge you can drive and drive and drive and never really know where you are!  You can tell where there has been wildlife spotted when cars slow or people start gathering.  Today, Ian didn't join us.  He got up not feeling well and stayed back at the cabin. 

Our goal today - see a BEAR.  And did we?   YES!!  We saw TWO bears.  If you know me, you know I am deathly afraid of bears.    I even imagine them in the woods in Illinios even though I know they can't be.  But we really wanted to see a bear.  At the end of the day, we took a shorter, more scenic route up over the mountains to get back to Gardiner, instead of the outer loop we took coming in.  And that was a good choice because on that stretch of road was where we saw the two bears.

One brown bear and one black bear from safely inside the car:

And our other wildlife spotting:

And we saw several thermal areas including Mammouth Hot Springs and Dragon's Mouth and Mud Volcano.

And we stopped at the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

This is a beautiful time to be out here because all the wildflowers are blooming

And just the beautiful scenery of Yellowstone

Mal and I ended the evening walking across the bridge over the Yellowstone River and having dinner at the Iron Horse which served us Elk Nachos and Bison Shepherds Pie. Delicious.


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