The Stone-faced guys on the Mountain

Mt Rushmore.

We had a leisurely morning out on the deck enjoying our morning coffee before we started out for the day.  We found a nice place for lunch in Hill City called the Hill City Cafe and fueled up our bodies before heading to see Mt Rushmore.

The drive is beautiful up to the Monument.   Something happened to a car a bit in front of us and it stopped in the middle of the road.  The car closest to them stopped and we went around them both.   The driver was just getting out of the car looking shocked and shaking her arms to get things off her body.  After we got by and looked in the rear view window, the windshield and the top of the car were smashed in.  Something hit them, but we didn't see it and didn't see anything dead on the road.

The Mt Rushmore National Monument unfortunately chose this week to close for updates. :(   You can still drive there, park there, and shop and eat there, but the Visitor Center is closed for updates and the path up to the mountain that you see in pictures as a beautiful walkway with flag, also closed.  Not just closed, but all torn up for repaving.  So, there wasn't much to do other than take a couple pictures, buy a souvenir Christmas ornament to go on my vacation Christmas tree, and move on down the road.  Dad and Carol got matching tshirts. :)  Apparently that's a thing in the Florida senior community.  I snickered thinking how receptive Ryan would be to wearing a matching tshirt.

After Mt Rushmore, we traveled to the Crazy Horse monument.  We visited the Overlook, took some pictures, had a cold beer, and headed back to Hill City.  I bought wayy too many groceries and we had dinner on the deck in our beautiful surroundings.  We finished just in time to run inside from the thunderstorm.  Thunder sounds different in the mountains.


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