Yellowstone again and at night

Another day at Yellowstone.  We got up early.  I wanted to be at the Lamar Valley at dawn but getting 5 people going takes longer than that.  By the time we got there, there were too many people and too many buffalos and nothing else.  So, we drove out the other side, the Northeast Entrance, and had breakfast at the Prospector Restaurant in the tiny town of Cooke City.   I almost booked us a place there but chose the one in Gardiner instead.  The service was so incredibly  slow we almost went hungry but waited because we really needed coffee. :)

We came back to the cabin and napped and had a relaxing afternoon.  The kids and I went out to dinner (also VERY slow - must be the norm around here.  Ian said...what else do they have to do :) ) at the 2 Bit Saloon and then headed in to Yellowstone.  The thought of driving THOSE roads with THOSE animals in the dark was a little daunting but we were hoping to see wolves.

We took a 6 mile unpaved road called the Blacktail Plateau Drive which promised a good chance of wildlife off the beaten path.  I read reviews before we went and the common theme was very rough road.  They were right.  About 20 feet in we were almost swallowed up by a pothole but it was a one-way road so we were committed.  We didn't see any animals but after a thundershower, there was a rainbow.  We drove on to the Lamar Valley to wait for dusk.  Mosquitos are vicious here.  We saw buffalo and deer but no wolves.  Before it was pitch black we started back.  We encountered something in the road - it seemed too large for a fox, didn't look much like a coyote and too small for wolves - there were two of them.  Mallory thinks she got a good picture of them so when she wakes up, we'll try to get them off her camera and into this blog. 

The Blacktail Plateau Drive - one lane dirt and gravel

My attempt - not enough light to capture them


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